Mi a mágnesezési irány szerepe az EV Hub motor mágnes hatékonyságában?
Az elektromos járművek (EV) technológiájával összefüggésben a mágnesezési irány szerepe EV HU...
Több éves független kutatás-fejlesztési és gyártási gyakorlat után teljesen elsajátítottuk az állandó mágneses anyagok előállításának alapvető technológiáját, és számos találmányi szabadalommal rendelkezünk a kapcsolódó területeken.
A cég termékei számos minőséggel és teljes specifikációval rendelkeznek, és egy viszonylag teljes termékklasztert alkottak, amely teljes mértékben kielégíti a downstream piac szerteágazó igényeit.
A szigorú gyártási folyamattervezés és a programellenőrzés stabilabbá és nyomon követhetőbbé teszi a termékek minden egyes tételét.
Saját laboratóriummal és fejlett vizsgálóberendezéssel rendelkezünk az iparágban a termékminőség biztosítása érdekében, és minden tételnél belső vizsgálatot végzünk a szállítás előtt, és a vizsgálati vizsgálati jelentést a szállítmányhoz mellékeljük.
A csillagos ügyfélszolgálati csapat, melynek hajtóereje az innovatív szolgáltatás, elkötelezett egy professzionális, 24 órás, megszakítás nélküli ügyfélszolgálati rendszer létrehozása mellett, hogy megoldja az ügyfelek gondjait.
Consumer electronic products refer to intelligent electronic hardware products for consumers' daily life, including mobile phones, computers, televisions, speakers, projectors, photographic equipment, portable audio and entertainment equipment and wearable devices.
Smart speakers, different from traditional speakers, have unique functions such as voice interaction, content services, Internet services, smart home control, etc. They can be deeply integrated with family living scenes, and become the control center of smart home at present and in the future by virtue of their natural voice interaction advantages.
NdFeB permanent magnetic material is the key material for manufacturing electroacoustic devices such as smart TV speakers. As smart TV is rapidly replacing the market share of traditional TV, the market demand for permanent magnetic materials is expected to further increase.
NdFeB permanent magnetic materials are required for the production of many components of smart phones, such as color screens, cameras, vibration motors, circuit boards, processors, and functional components such as wireless charging.
Wearable device refers to a kind of portable intelligent device that users can directly wear on their bodies or integrate into clothes or portable accessories. It can realize diversified functions such as communication, business, navigation, entertainment and health through software support, data interaction and cloud interaction.
As a radio energy transmission technology, wireless charging has four technical routes, namely magnetic induction, magnetic resonance, microwave and electric field coupling, according to the different principles of electric energy transmission.
Household appliances refer to all kinds of electrical products that help or replace people to do housework or improve the living environment. They have become necessities of modern family life, mainly including air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, small appliances, etc.
Variable frequency air conditioning has many advantages, such as accurate temperature control, fast cooling and heating, energy saving and low noise, long service life, etc.
Small household appliances are a general term for a large category of household appliances with small size and low power, such as wall-breaking machines, microwave ovens, vacuum cleaners, floor sweepers, humidifiers, hair dryers, etc.
Industrial motors refer to general equipment motors such as fans, water pumps, compressors and machine tools that are widely used in the industrial field.
According to the data of Antaike, the global demand for high-performance NdFeB in 2018 is mainly concentrated in the field of automobile manufacturing, in which traditional vehicles account for 37.50% and new energy vehicles account for 11.80%.
Permanent magnet materials in the traditional automotive field are mainly used in EPS. EPS is more and more widely used in the field of passenger vehicles due to its advantages of small weight, low energy consumption and high sensitivity.
NdFeB permanent magnet material is the core manufacturing material of permanent magnet drive motor for new energy vehicles.
The wind power generation field is one of the downstream fields with the largest consumption of NdFeB permanent magnet materials at present. NdFeB permanent magnet materials are mainly used in direct driven permanent magnet wind turbines.
The articulated structure of industrial robots is usually controlled by independent permanent magnet drive motors, and permanent magnet materials are the key materials for manufacturing permanent magnet drive motors, permanent magnet sensors, permanent magnet lock valves and other core components.
Az elektromos járművek (EV) technológiájával összefüggésben a mágnesezési irány szerepe EV HU...
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